Qu'est-ce que i'll be the matriarch in this life novel ?

"I'll be the matriarch in this life novel" is a phrase that highlights the determination and ambition of an individual to be the dominant and influential figure in their own life story. It implies a desire to take charge, lead, and make significant decisions in one's personal journey.

The term "matriarch" typically refers to a female head of a family or community who exerts authority, wisdom, and guidance. In this context, it represents the protagonist's aspiration to be a strong, influential figure in their own life narrative, similar to a matriarchal figure.

By declaring "I'll be the matriarch in this life novel," the person is expressing their determination to take control of their destiny, make their own choices, and shape their life story according to their own vision and values. It signifies a refusal to be a passive participant in their own life but rather a proactive force who will emerge as a central character and protagonist.

This statement also implies that the person is ready to assume responsibility for themselves and potentially others, as matriarchs are often associated with leadership, protection, and nurturing. It suggests a desire for independence, to create their own path, and to assert their authority and influence.

Overall, "I'll be the matriarch in this life novel" signifies a strong will to take charge of one's own destiny, be empowered, and embrace the role of a central figure in their own life story. It represents a commitment to be active, influential, and in control, rather than being a passive observer.